
1 tb Minced onions

1 tb Butter

2 tb Flour

1 cn Mushroom soup

3/4 c Beer

1/2 ts Salt

-dash pepper 1 lb Can salmon, flaked

2 Hard-cooked eggs, diced

1 c Rice

2 c Water

2 tb Butter

2 Pimentos, cut in strips

Cook onion in butter until lightly browned; add flour and blend. Gradually add mushroom soup and beer. Cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Season with salt and pepper. Add flaked salmon and diced hard-cooked eggs. Cook rice. Add 2 TBS butter and blend with fork; pack into buttered ring mold and turn out on hot serving plate. Fill rice ring with salmon mixture. Garnish with pimento or watercress. From the files of Al Rice, North Pole Alaska. Feb 1994


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