
6 tb Butter

2 c Onions — chopped

2 md Cloves garlic — chopped

Fine 2 tb Bell pepper — chopped

2 tb Parsley — minced OR

1 ts Parsley flakes (dried)

1/4 c Celery — chopped

2 tb Green onion tops — chopped

2 1/2 c Crawfish meat OR

1 lb Crawfish meat

1/4 c Crawfish fat (optional)

1 1/4 ts Salt

1/4 ts Black pepper

1/4 ts Red pepper

Melt butter in iron skillet or heavy pot. Saute onions, garlic, green pepper and celery until onions are clear. Add 1/8 c. water and simmer covered until vegs. are tender, abt. 15 min. Add crawfish fat and cook covered for 15 min. on very lo heat. Stir occasionally. Add tails and other seasonings. Cook 15 min. Add green onion tops and parsley and cook 5

minutes for seasoning to blend. Serve with hot steamed rice. Serves 4-5 Eugene Cottrell, Shreveport, LA.

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