
1 ea Bag (12 oz?) cranberries

2 ea Med. apples, pared and chopp

1 c Orange juice

1 ds Ground cloves

Combine all, bring to a boil, stirring. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly, about 8 mins – berries will `pop’ and sauce will thicken. Chill. If you want it sweeter, you might want to try apple juice instead of orange juice. We also like it with a handfil of chopped nuts – pecans preferrably, with walnuts a second choice. I have also thrown coconut (unsweetened) in it – although others liked it, we weren’t that crazy about it. We eat cranberry sauce year around. I buy 15 – 20 bags during the holidays and pop them in the freezer for later use. Cook ’em frozen. They are great in bread/muffins, too.

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