
1 lb Maryland crabmeat;

– preferably backfin 1 tb Butter or margarine

1 tb Flour

1/2 c Milk

1 ts Instant minced onion

1 1/2 ts Worcestershire sauce

2 sl White bread; crusts removed

– and cubed 1/2 c Mayonnaise

1 tb Lemon juice

1/2 ts Salt

Few dashes pepper 2 tb Butter or margarine

Paprika for sprinkling Recipe by: The Maryland Seafood Cookbook. Remove all cartilage from Crabmeat. In medium size pan, melt butter or margarine, mix in flour. Slowly add milk stirring constantly to keep mixture smooth and free of lumps. Cook, stirring over medium heat until mixture comes to a boil and thickens. Mix in onion, Worcestershire sauce and bread cubes. Cool. Fold in mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt and pepper. In another pan, heat butter or margarine until lightly browned. Add Crabmeat and toss lightly. Combine with sauce mixture. Put mixture into individual shells or ramekins (or greased 1-quart casserole). Sprinkle Paprika over top. Bake at 450 degrees until hot and bubbly and lightly browned on top, 10 to 15 minutes. Formatted for you by: Bill Webster —–

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