
12 oz Chicken boneless & skinless

5 tb Butter

1 ea Garlic clove minced

1 ea Onion lg.

1/2 ts Nutmeg ground fine

1/2 c Swiss cheese grated

1/2 c Feta cheese crumbled

3 tb Sour cream or plain yogurt

1/2 lb Mushrooms, fresh, washed &

-coarsely chopped Cook the onion & mushrooms together in 4 T of the butter. Mince the onion/mushroom mixture and the chicken together. Add the garlic & the chicken-mushroom mixture and cook for 5 minutes adding salt & pepper to taste. Remove from heat and stirin the yogurt and nutmeg. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Pour the chicken mixture into a baking dish and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 15 minutes.

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