
4 c Pumpkin; canned

2 c Sugar

2 tb Cornstarch

1/2 c Butter; melted and cooled

6 Eggs; separated

2 tb Pumpkin pie spices

2 ts Whiskey

2/3 c Heavy cream

Put pumpkin in bowl. Add yolks of eggs, sugar and pumpkin pie spices and beat for five minutes. Quickly add cream, whiskey and butter and mix well. Sprinkle cornstarch over stiffly beaten egg whites and fold into pumpkin batter. Pour into uncooked pie shells. Bake at 375 for 1 hour. Makes 2 9-inch pies. Personal Note: When my 23 year old was only 2, we lived in an

apartment. This recipe comes from the MAN who lived upstairs. I don’t always have pumpkin pie spices so I use cinnamon mostly, with a little nutmeg and allspice to make the 2 Tbsp. —–

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