
24 oz Cream cheese

2 tb Mayonnaise; the real thing

ds Tabasco 1/4 c Green onions; minced

1/4 c Celery; coarsely chopped

ds Paprika Salt and pepper, to taste 1 cn Black olives; finely

-chopped (16 oz. can) 1/2 lb Crabmeat; flaked

1 Nacho cheese flavor doritos

The best way to prepare this recipe in a food processor, because it chops the ingredients finely enough and blends them together for you. But if a food processor is not handy, you can use a blender and a chef’s kniofe. It will still come out great, no matter how you do it! First, mix the cream cheese to a pasty consistency. It has to be soft and pliable. THen, in a large mixing bowl, whip together the cheese and the mayonnaise until the mixture is smooth. Toss in the Tabasco at this point and blend it in, too. Next, add the minced onions, the celery, the seasonings, the finely chopped black olives, and the crabmeat. Just put them all together — it’s not necessary to add them one at a time. But is *is* necessary to blend them all *gently*. If you get rough, you’ll smash the ingredients and you’ll lose the crispness. When you’re ready to serve, lay out the *whole* bag of Doritos on a pizza pan and stuff each one, heaping on the crabmeat mixture and sprinkling the tops with paprika. To increase the flavor, put the stuffed chips in the refrigerator for an hour or two. Author’s note: …While crabmeat is used in the original dish, you can also substitute chopped shrimp or crawfish for the crabmeat, and the basic mix is also excellent for stuffing avocados, tomatoes, celery stalks, and just about anyting your taste dictates. Note from me: I don’t care for Nacho Cheese Flavor Doritos but instead these are great with the unsalted style chips you get with salsa at Mexican restaurants. Source: Frank Davis Seafood Notebook

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