
2 1/4 c Unbleached white flour

2/3 c Powdered sugar

8 oz Pecans (chopped)

8 oz Margarine (melted)

1 tb Oil (for baking sheets)

2/3 c Powdered sugar (for

Coating cookies) Recipe by: Chachie’s New Orleans Cooking Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, place flour, 2/3 cup powdered sugar, and pecans. Mix thoroughly. Add margarine and mix thoroughly with hands. Lightly oil 2 large baking sheets. In amounts of 1-1/2 tablespoons, mold dough into cocoon or oval shapes by hand. Place

cookies on baking sheets. Bake in a 350 oven for 30 minutes or until bottoms are light brown. Do not overcook. When cookies are done, cool completely. Pour remaining 2/3 cup powdered sugar into a plastic bag. Drop 5 to 6 cookies at a time into the bag and toss. When cookies are completely covered with sugar, place on platter and serve. Yields 4 dozen. —–

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