
8 oz Pork and beef chipolata

-sausages 2 md Courgettes

1 Green pepper, deseeded

1 md Leek

1 Red eating apple

4 oz Baby sweetcorn

1 tb Oil

Salt and black pepper ———————————–SAUCE———————————– 4 tb Dry cider

1 1/2 ts Cornflour

Gently twist the centre of each sausage to make cocktail sized sausages, then cut to separate. Slice the courgettes; dice the pepper, wash and slice the leek. Do not peel the apple just cut it into small pieces. Trim and slice the sweetcorn. Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan, add the sausages and stir-fry for 5 minutes, or until browned. Add the vegetables and apple then stir-fry for a further I to 2 minutes. Season to taste. Blend the cider and cornflour together, pour into the pan and stir until the sauce has thickened and the sausages are coated. Serve with rice or pasta. Source: Marguerite Patten’s Marvellous Meals, Yours Magazine, UK

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