
1 10 oz pkg frozen chopped spinach

1 tablespoon butter

1/2 cup fresh mushrooms — sliced

1 14 1/2oz can diced tomatoes with herbs

1 8 oz. can tomato sauce

1/4 cup dry red wine

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1/4 teaspoon fennel seed — crushed

1 9 oz. pkg. refrigerated/frozen ravioli

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese — finely shredded

Thaw and drain spinach. Press out excess liquid. In a large skillet melt butter. Add mushrooms and cook about 5 minutes or until tender, stirring often. Add the undrained tomatoes, tomato sauce, wine, pepper and fennel. Bring to boiling; reduce heat and cover. Simmer over low for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook ravioli according to package directions. Gently toss ravioli with tomato mixture and spinach. Transfer to an ungreased 1 1/2 qt. casserole. Top with cheese. Bake, uncovered in a 350 oven for 20 minutes or until heated through. Makes 4 main dish servings.

Make ahead: Follow above directions for assembly of casserole. Cover and refrigerate, unbaked, for up to 24 hours. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes or until heated through.

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