
15 oz Can Tomato Sauce (1 1/2 cup)

2 T Olive oil

2 T Red Wine Vinegar

1 T Honey

1 x Med Tomato,cut in 1/2″ cubes

1 x Med Green Pepper, chopped

1 x Sm Sweet Red Pepper, chopped

1 x Stalk celery, chopped

1 x Clove Garlic, finely minced

1/2 x Cucumber, seeded & chopped

1 x Scallion, chopped

1/2 t Hot pepper sauce

1/2 t Black Pepper

GARNISH: Herbed Garlic Croutons, dollop of plain yogurt topped with finely minced fresh chives, finely shredded lettuce, or minced parsley,(optional) In a med size mixing bowl, combine tomato sauce, olive oil, vinegar and honey. Stir in remaining ingredients. Top each serving with one of the above listed garnishes. Serve chilled. Makes 4-6 servings. VARIATIONS: – add 2 T chopped fresh mint leaves; omit hot pepper sauce ~ for a thinner soup, stir in tomato juice or vegetable cocktail juice to desired consistency. Serve with a substantial salad, and/or a cheese platter.

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