
2 1/4 cups flour

1 3/4 cups sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons soda

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup shortening

1 1/2 cups buttermilk

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 eggs

2 squares chocolate — melted

1/2 cup chopped nuts

Heat oven to 350. Grease and flour two layer pans, 9×1 1/2″. Blend Dry ingredie nts in large mixing bowl. Add shortening, buttermilk, vanilla. Beat 2 min. medi um speed on mixer. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl often. Add eggs and melted c hocolate. Beat 2 more min. Bake in prepared pans 30 to 35 min. Cool; frost with Chucklet Frosting.

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