
1/2 cup butter — at room temperature

1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa powder

1/2 cup powdered sugar — unsifted

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup flour — unsifted

1. Cream the butter until it is light. 2. Cream in the powdered sugar, cocoa and the vanilla 3. Now work in the flour. Knead the dough on an unfloured board until nice and smooth. 4. Spary the shortbread pan very lightly with non stick cooking spray. 5. Firmly press the dough into the shortbread pan. Prick the entire surface wit h a fork. 6. Bake the in the pan at 325 degrees for about 30-35 min, don’t let the edges get too dark. 7. Let the shortbread cool in it’s pan, for about 10 minutes. 8. Loosed the edges with a knife and flip the pan over onto a wooden cutting bo ard. If the shortbread does not come right out, tap one edge of the pan. 9. Cut into serving pieces while it’s still warm.

Notes: Uses an eathernware type decorative shortbread pan made by: Brown Bag Co okie Art. Let pan cool before washing.

From the Recipe Files of RecipeLu <recipelu@recipelu.com>

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