
1 1/2 c Oreo cookie crumbs, fine

32 oz Soft cream cheese

3 Large eggs

1 t Vanilla

1/3 c Strained raspberry preserves

1/4 c Whipping cream

2 tb Melted butter

1 1/4 c Sugar

1 c Sour cream

6 oz Semisweet chocolate chips*

6 oz Semisweet chocolate chips

* This 6 oz of chocolate chips should be melted and cooled slightly. 1. Combine crumbs and butter; press onto the bottom of

a 9″ spring- form pan. 2. Combine 24 oz cream cheese and sugar, mixing on

medium speed until well blended. Blend in sour cream and vanilla. Pour over crust. 3. Combine remaining 8 oz cream cheese and melted

chocolate; mix well. Add red raspberry preserves; mix well. Drop rounded measuring tablespoons full over the plain cheese mixture; do not swirl. 4. Bake at 325F for 1 hour 25 minutes. Loosen cake

from rim of pan; cool before removing from pan. Melt chocolate pieces and whipped cream over low heat stirring until smooth. Spread over cheesecake. Chill and garnish with additional whipped cream and raspberries.

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