
4 lg Egg whites; about 1/2 cup

2 1/2 c Coconut;unsweetened,shredded

1/2 c Sugar, brown; packed

1/2 c Pecans; finely chopped

1 ts Vanilla

8 oz Chocolate, semisweet

“Find your left-over egg whites a good home- made macaroon centres for chocolate eggs.” Beat egg whites until frothy. Stir in remaining ingredients, excpet chocolate. Shape mixture into small eggs- wt hands work best. Place eggs on greased baking pan. Bake at 325F (160C) for 10-12 minutes, until lighly browned. Loosen with spatula immediately. Let cool completely. Melt chocolate in microwave or over double boiler. Cool slightly. Dip eggs one at a time, using a fork, a spoon, a toothpick- whatever works best for you. Reheat chocolate if it cools too much before you finsih. When coating has set, store eggs in cool, dry place (fridge?).

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