
———————————-PUDDING———————————- 1 Loaf french bread

4 tb Cocoa powder

1 tb Vanilla

5 c Skim milk

3/4 c Sugar

4 Egg whites, lightly beaten

——————————RASPBERRY SAUCE—————————— 1 pk Frozen raspberries in light

-syrup, unfrozen Pudding: Cube bread and place in a large bowl. Combine milk, cocoa, sugar and vanilla until well blended. Add egg whites and stir. Pour mixture over bread. Cover and let stand in refrigerator for 30-45 minutes. Pre heat oven to 350 degrees. Place mixture in an oven proof dish and place in a water bath (about 1-inch). Bake for 45 minutes. Rapberry Sauce: Puree raspberries in blender. Strain through sieve to remove seeds. Refrigerate sauce until serving time. Use 2 TBS sauce per serving. Place sauce on plate, place pudding on sauce and garnish with fresh berries.

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