
1 Unsweetened chocolate

-squares 4 oz Baking chocolate; sweet

2 lg Egg whites

1/2 c Sugar

1 pn Salt

2 cn Flaked coconut; 3 1/2 oz ea

1 ts Vanilla extract

Recipe by: Jo Merrill Melt together in the top of a double boiler, over hot water, the unsweetened chocolate and sweet cooking chocolate. Stir until smooth; remove from heat and cool. Beat the egg whites with a rotary beater until stiff. Gradually beat in sugar. Add the cooled chocolate mixture and continure beating until well mixed. Fold in flaked coconut. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto well-buttered baking sheets, making about 30 cookies. Bake in preheated 325 degree oven until stiff on the outside but still a little soft on inside, about 16 minutes. Remove from oven and loosen with a spatula. Remove from pan when cookies are completely cooled. —–

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