
2 sl Round cheese bread

Butter 2 lg Ripe tomato slices

2 tb Fresh chives; chopped

2 sl Cheddar, mozzarella or Swiss

-cheese* Salt and pepper; to taste *Enough cheese to cover the tomatoes. Lightly toast cheese bread (don’t brown). Butter bread and top each slice with tomato slice. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle about 1 ts. chives on top of each. Top with cheese. Place a few inches under a preheated broiler; broil until cheese is melted and bubbling. Top croutes with remaining chives and serve at once. Enright suggests serving this as a snack or with soup for a light lunch. She also suggests that, if serving this for brunch, a poached egg be put atop each tomato before topping with the other ingredients. From _Nancy Enright’s Canadian Herb Cookbook_ by Nancy Enright. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company, 1985. Pp. 28-29. ISBN 0-88862-788-2. Electronic format by Cathy Harned. Submitted By CCH@SALATA.COM (CATHY HARNED) On 09 JAN 96 071521 -0800

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