
2 c Raw Peanuts

2 ts Chili Powder

1 ts Cumin, Ground

3 sm Dried Hot Red Chiles

1 tb Salad Oil

Salt The lively flavors of cumin and chiles make these peanuts irresistible. To sip alongside, offer ice-cold beer, margaritas, or tomato juice. Yield: 8 To 10 Servings. Preparation Time: About 5 Minutes. Cooking Time: About 25 Minutes. Place the peanuts in a large rimmed baking pan. Bake in a 350?F oven, stirring occasionally, until lightly golden (about 15 minutes). Remove from the oven. Add the chili powder, cumin, chiles, and oil to the pan, blending well. Return to the oven and continue to bake, stirring once, until the peanuts are a golden brown, (8 to 10 Minutes more). Season to taste with the salt. Serve warm or cool. Per Serving: 214 Calories, 9 Grams Protein, 6 Grams Carbohydrates, 19 Grams Total Fat, 0 Mg Cholesterol, 12 mg sodium From Sunset’s Quick And Easy Cookbook Copyright 1991 Courtesy

of Rich Harper

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