
1 lb Black beans — dried

6 Garlic cloves — minced

1/2 lb Pinto beans — dried

2 cn Tomatoes — crushed (15 oz ea)

1/4 lb Kidney beans — dried

3 tb Tomato paste

2 Poblano peppers — chopped

4 tb Chili powder

1 Green bell pepper — chopped

3 tb Cumin powder

2 Tomatoes — coarsely chopped

1 tb Salt

2 Red onions — minced

1/2 tb Black pepper

2 lg Carrots — minced

2 c Tvp

Soak beansovernight or bring to a boil, then turn off heat and soak for one hour. Saute vegetables until soft and add to beans along with rest of ingredients except TVP. Cook for one and a half hours, adding TVP the last 20 minutes of cooking. 2nd place winner in the 5th Annual Lone Star

Vegetarian Chili Cook-Off, held Oct. 3 in San Antonio. Recipe by Phillip Anderson, Kim Behring, Myria Martinez and Jason Paschall, of San Antonio Source: South Texas Vegetarian Society Newsletter, Nov-Dec 1993/MM by DEEANNE Posted on GEnie Food & Wine RT Nov

14, 1993 by DEEANNE From the recipe files of Sylvia

Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, Internet sylvia.steiger@lunatic.com, moderator of GT Cookbook and PlanoNet Lowfat & Luscious echoes

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