
3 lb Lean, diced beef

1 qt Water

3 ts Salt

5 Cloves garlic, fine chop

1 t Marjoram

1 tb Sugar

1/4 c Liquid shortening

8 Chili pods OR>>>>>

6 tb Chili powder

1 t Ground cumin

1 t Red pepper

3 tb Paprika

—–THICKENING—– 6 tb Corn meal

3 tb Flour

1 c Water

Heat oil in large pot, add meat and sear over high heat. Stir constantly until meat is gray, but not brown. Add water and cover, cook over low fire for 1 1/2 hrs. Add remaining ingreds., except thickening,

and cok at a bubbling simmer 30 min. Mix thickening ingreds. together, add to chili mixture, cook about 5 min., stirring to prevent sticking. More water may be added for desired sonsistency. If meat is very fat, skim off before adding thickening. For milder flavor, cut chili powder and red pepper in half, but add 2 more tbs. paprika for color.

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