
1 lg Bag baked tortilla chips

8 oz Ff cream cheese

1 1/2 c Ff cheddar cheese-divided

Use 1 cn Spicy ff veggi chili (or 2 c

Your favorite recipe) 1/2 c Chopped green or purple

Onions Spread cream cheese in bottom of oven safe serving dish. Layer 1 c cheddar cheese over that and pour/spread chili over cheeses. Top with reserved 1/2 c cheese and bake at 375 for 30 min or until bubbly. Top with raw onions and serve with ff tortilla chips. I hope you can use these and sorry if you don’t use dairy. You could probably use soy cheeses instead, but I haven’t tried them. From: MAYFLIES@aol.com. Fatfree Digest [Volume 10 Issue 7] Aug. 17, 1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using MMCONV

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