
1 c Cornmeal

(blue or yellow) 1 c Flour

1/4 c Sugar

1 tb Baking powder

1 t Salt

1 Egg, beaten

1 c Milk

1 1/2 tb Butter

1 Onion, diced

1/4 c Poppy seeds

1 Can diced chiles,

Or fresh 1/4 lb Cheddar cheese,


Melt butter in pan, add onions and saute until nicely brown. Take off head, add poppy seeds. In bowl combine dry ingredients and cheese and chiles. Combine egg and milk and add to dry stuff. Beat until mixed. Add onions and poppy seeds. Put into 12 muffin papers and bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until brown. Additional cheese can placed on top of muffins if desired. WALT

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