
2 T Chopped Onion

1/2 t Butter Or Margarine

1/4 c American Cheese Spread

1 ea Small Tomato *

1 T Green Chili Peppers **

1 x Dash Hot Pepper Sauce (Opt.)

1 x Tortilla Or Corn Chips

* Tomato should be peeled, seeded and chopped. ** Green Chili Peppers should be chopped canned Green Chili Peppers. ~————————————————————————- In a small nonmetal bowl micro-cook the chopped onion and butter or margarine, uncovered, on 100% power for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes or till the onion is tender but not brown. Stir in the American cheese spread. Micro-cook, uncovered, on 100% power about 1 minute or till the cheese spread is melted, stirring occasionally. Stir in chopped tomato, green chili peppers, and bottled hot pepper sauce, if desired. Micro-cook the cheese mixture, uncovered, on 100% power for 20 to 40 seconds more or till the cheese mixture is heated through. Serve immediately with tortilla or corn chips. Makes about 1/2 cup of dip.

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