
2 c Chickpeas — cooked

1/2 lb Green Beans

-Dressing For Chickpeas—– 1/3 c Oil

1/4 c Wine Vinegar

1/4 ts Salt

1 ts Garam Masala

2 Cloves Garlic — crushed

1/8 ts Cayenne

-Dressing For Beans—– 1/4 c Oil

2 tb Lemon Juice

1/2 ts Salt

1/2 ts Garam Masala

2 tb Onion — minced

1 ts Fresh Ginger Root — grated

Heat chickpeas in their liquid and drain. Place in a bowl. Combine all ingredients for chickpea dressing and pour over chickpeas while they are still warm. Mix well. Cool, cover and set aside. Combine all ingredients for green bean dressing. Wash and trim beans, and cut into 3/4-inch long pieces. Steam or boil beans until just tender. Drain thoroughly. Shake them in a colander until they look very dry. Put beans in a separate bowl from chickpeas and pour bean dressing over them. Let sit for 5 minutes. Combine the two beans and mix well. It’s best to let the chickpeas sit in their dressing for several hours before mixing them with the green beans so the chickpeas can absorb the flavors. Serve cold or at room temperature. Recipe By :

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