
6 puff pastry shells — frozen

2 cups white sauce — prepared as

— directed 1/2 cup chicken broth — prepared as

— directed 2 tablespoons sherry

2 cups chicken — cooked and cubed

1 freezer container — quart

Stir chicken broth and sherry into warm white sauce. Add chicken meat, cooked a nd cubed. To freeze: pour sauce into freezer container. Freeze. Bundle with: fr ozen puff-pastry shells. To prepare: Bake pastry shells as directed. Place froz en sauce into saucepan, and reheat gently on top of stove, stirring occasionall y. Add 1 tablespoon water or stock if necessary. To serve, spoon hot sauce into puff-pastry cases; serve. Serving Ideas : Ratatouille, Spinach Salad and Frenc h Bread NOTES : A fine luncheon dish? or try this as an appetizer!

busted by sooz

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