
3 cups cooked chicken

1 package (6 oz) long grain and wild rice – cooked

1 can cream of celery soup or

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 medium jar pimentos — sliced

1 medium onion chopped

1 cup french cut green beans

1 cup mayonnaise

1 cup water chestnuts — diced

salt and pepper — to taste

Mix all together and place in 3 qt dish. Bake 25 to 30 minutes at 350 degrees u ncovered. May be frozen before cooking. Just take from freeezer to oven, do not thaw! Add about 10 minutes cooking time. Also, I have frozen indiidual serving s of this casserole, leftover and already cooked in freezer bags. Just microwav e to re-heat. Recipe can me doubled etc… A couple of notes: The recipe calls for canned soup & mayo – I know, not healthy, but I do use the light mayo and t he lo-fat soups. They work fine. Also , it calls for french cut green beans, obviously any cut of green bean will do.

from the Frozen Assets List

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