
3 tb Olive oil

8 Pats butter

1 c Seasoned bread crumbs

1 c Grated parmesan cheese

1 tb Italian seasoning

6 Chicken breasts

1 c Flour

2 Eggs, beaten in med. bowl

—–SAUCE—– 1 lb Fresh mushrooms, sliced

4 tb Butter

1/3 c Marsala wine

Combine bread crumbs, seasoning and cheese on plate. Coat chicken with flour, dip in egg, then coat with bread crumb mixture. Set on wax paper and let stand in refrig 2-3 hours. Place pats of butter in middle of skillet and place olive oil around the butter and fry the chicken until golden brown. Sauce: Saute mushrooms in butter. Add wine. Stir until hot. I serve the sauce separately and let folks pour it on their chicken themselves. Stephanie Austad aus@inel.gov Idaho Falls, ID 208-526-2054


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