
2 c Flour 1/2 c Butter

3 ts Baking powder 1 Egg, unbeaten

1/2 ts Salt 1/2 c Milk

——————————CHICKEN FILLING—————————— 3 c Chicken, cooked Drained

1 c Ham, cooked 1/2 c Flour

8 oz Mushroom stems & pieces, 1/2 c Almonds, toasted, sliced

———————————–BROTH———————————– 2 c Chicken broth, hot 1/2 ts Nutmeg

1 c Cream, light 1/4 ts Allspice

1 ts Salt 1/8 ts Pepper

Sift together flour, baking powder and salt into mixing bowl. Cut in butter until particles are fine. Combine egg with milk. Add to dry ingredients; stir until dough is formed. divide into 2 parts, one slightly larger. Roll out larger piece on floured surface to a 15X12-inch rectangle. fit into an ungreased 12X8-inch baking dish, pressing dough against sides and bottom of dish. CHICKEN FILLING: Combine chicken, ham, mushroom pieces, flour and almonds. Turn into pastry-lined pan. Roll out remaining dough to a 12X7-inch rectangle. Cut lengthwise into 1-inch strips. Place 4 strips lengthwise over filling. Cut remaining strips in half and place crosswise over filling making a lattice top. BROTH: Combine broth, cream, salt, nutmeg, allspice and pepper. Pour over lattice top. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes until golden brown. —–

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