
— CHICKEN BREASTS — 4 large chicken breasts — skin left on

5 tbsp olive oil

150 g mozzarella cheese — drained and cubed

1/4 tsp dried rosemary — …or…

1 small fresh rosemary sprig, divided into leaves — plus

extra garnish 4 slices cooked ham or prosciutto crudo — cut into thin strips

wooden cocktail sticks — to secure 1/2 glass dry white wine

salt and freshly ground black pepper — GARLIC, TOMATO AND BASIL SAUCE — 3 tbsp olive oil

2 cloves garlic — peeled and crushed

400 g can premium chopped tomatoes

9 fresh basil leaves — torn in small pieces

salt and freshly ground black pepper


This deliciously simple idea makes the most of the silky texture and delicate flavour of the cheese. If you want to, serve with a rich tomato sauce or vary the flavour with different herbs.

Serves 4

Calories/Fat per serving: 649 cals/54g Cost per serving: ?1.90

1. Make a deep slit in the side of each chicken breast to form a pocket. Brush the inside of each pocket with a little oil, then season with salt and pepper. Divide the mozzarella, rosemary and ham among the four pockets. Seal each pocket closed with two wooden cocktail sticks.

2. Heat the remaining oil in a large, lidded frying pan and seal the chicken on either side until golden brown, then pour the wine over. Burn off the alcohol for 2 minutes, then season.

3. Lower the heat, cover and simmer gently for 25 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Remove the cocktail sticks, garnish with rosemary and serve with the Garlic, Tomato and Basil Sauce.


A rich, glossy tomato sauce that will complement many dishes.

Serves 4 Preparation time: 25 minutes Calories/Fat per serving: 132 cals / 11g Cost per serving: 30p

1. Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed pan and gently fry the garlic until soft. Pour in the tomatoes, cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until the sauce is thick and glossy.

2. Stir in the basil leaves and season with salt and pepper. Serve with the Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Mozzarella and Ham.

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