
2 tb Butter (or margarine or oil)

1 lg Onion; peeled and chopped

2 Celery stalks

– finely chopped 2 lb Chestnuts; peeled & cooked

-=OR=- 3 cn -Whole chestnuts (15 oz ea.)

-soaked and cooked 2 tb Chopped parsley

2 tb Lemon juice

1 Garlic clove; crushed

Fresh breadcrumbs (Optional) -(should be whole wheat) Salt Freshly ground black pepper 1/4 c Oil

——————————–FOR COATING——————————– Dried breadcrumbs Melt the butter (or substitute) and saute the onion and celery over moderate heat for 10 minutes until soft but not brown. Transfer to a large bowl. Drain the chestnuts and add to the bowl. Mix these ingredients together well. Mash the chestnuts, onion and celery, then mix into the bowl the chopped parsley, lemon juice and garlic. The mixture should be soft but firm enough to form into a roll, so add a few whole-wheat breadcrumbs, if necessary, especially if you’re using canned chestnuts. Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Pour a little of the oil into a roasting pan and put into the oven to heat. Form the chestnut mixture into a roll about 8 inches long, pressing it together carefully, then coat it well with the dried breadcrumbs. Put the chestnut roll into the roasting pan and carefully turn it so that it is coated with hot oil. Bake for 45 minutes, until it is crisp on the outside, spooning a little more of the oil over the roll from time to time during the cooking. Serve the Chestnut Roast cut into slices. Source: The Complete Vegetarian Cuisine – by Rose Elliot ISBN: 0-394-57123-1 Typed for you by Karen Mintzias


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