
2 Eggs, beaten

1 c Milk

3/4 ts Salt

1/2 ts Thyme, crushed

1/4 ts Sage, crushed

1/2 ts Basil, crushed

1 c Unbleached flour

1/2 c Grated cheddar cheese

Combine seasonings with milk and eggs; add flour and cheese; mix until just blended. Pour into well-oiled muffin tins, filling 2/3 full. Do not preheat oven. Place muffin tin in oven, and heat to 450 degrees. Bake 30 minutes, no peeking. Remove from oven; turn off heat. Pierce popovers on 4 sides at right angles. Return to oven (do NOT turn on heat). Allow

popovers to dry in oven about 10 minutes. Serve immediately.

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