
396 7/8 g Whole Wheat Flour 170 1/8 g White Flour 300 ml Milk and Watermix

1 ts Honey

1 pk Yeast

1 ts Salt

Mixed Herbs 12 sl Cheese (Your choice)

1.Mahe a yeastdough and let it rise. 2.Roll out dough thinly and cut into

12 squares. 3.Put a slice of cheese on each square and sprinkle some mixed

herbs over all. 4.Roll up the squares from one side into little horns, bend a little. 5.Put them on a cookiesheet and let them rise once more. 6.Brush with a little milk and bake at 325 C ca. 25 minutes. Translated by Brigitte Sealing Cyberealm BBS 315-786-1120

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