
—–CRUST—– 1 c Flour

1/4 c Sugar

1 t Lemon rind

1/4 ts Vanilla

1 Egg yolk

1/4 c Butter, softened

—–CAKE FILLING—– 2 1/2 lb Cream cheese

1 3/4 c Sugar

3 1/2 ts Flour

1/2 ts Orange rind

1/2 ts Lemon rind

1/4 ts Vanilla

5 Eggs

2 Egg yolks

1/4 c Cream

Mix crust ingredients; press into a baking pan. Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees F.

Combine filling ingredients; mix well and pour into baked crust. Bake at 450 degrees F. for 10-12 minutes. Reduce to 200 degrees F. for 1 hour. NOTES: * (Restaurant-style) cheesecake. : Difficulty: easy to moderate. : Time: 30 minutes preparation, 1 hour baking. : Precision: measure the ingredients. : : Carol Orange, ucbvax!dagobah!orange : LucasFilm, San Rafael, CA : Copyright (C) 1986 USENET Community Trust

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