
1 Pineapple, ripe

1 pk Cream cheese (8-oz)

1/2 c Well-aged Cheddar, grated

1 tb Chives, minced

1/4 ts Dry mustard

1 tb White rum

1/4 ts Salt (optional)

Cut off the top of the pineapple far enough down so that a wide rim is formed. Scoop out the fruit and chop it fine. Blend together the cheeses, chives, 1-1/2 cups of the chopped pineapple, mustard, rum, and salt. Pile mixture into pineapple shell. Serve with Triscuits, toast rounds or squares. Makes about 2 cups. From: A Salute to Cheese, by Betty Wason, Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1966. Shared by: June Hoffman, 8/93

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