
2 lb Small red potatoes;

– washed 2 md Fennel bulbs; trimmed,

– quartered lengthwise 1/2 c Light-tasting olive oil

Salt Freshly ground pepper 1/3 c Pitted Nicoise olives;

– chopped 1/3 c Green onions; chopped

6 Or 7 tb red wine vinegar

Preparation time: 25 minutes. Cooking time: 25 minutes. 1. Set broiler rack about 6 inches from heat. Turn on broiler.

2. Toss potatoes and fennel in 1/4 cup olive oil; reserve any extra oil.

Spread in single layer on broiler pan. Lightly season with salt and pepper. Broil until blistered and slightly blackened, turning once, about 5 minutes per side. Bake in 400-degree oven until just tender, about 15-20 minutes. Do not overcook potatoes. 3. When cool enough to handle, cut potatoes and fennel into 1/2-inch dice.

Toss with all oil, 6 tablespoons vinegar and remaining ingredients. Season to taste. Add remaining tablespoon vinegar if needed. Can be made several hours ahead and kept at room temperature or a day ahead and refrigerated, covered airtight. Let come to room temperature before serving. Adjust seasoning. ‘This salad would be a great accompaniment to any grilled meat or poultry. Try to make it several hours or a day ahead so the flavors have a chance to deepen and meld together.’ From the Four Seasons, Abby Mandel, The Weekend Cook, Chicago Tribune, 7/18/93. Christie Aspegren, September 93 Round Robin.


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