
-Pastry for a 9-inch -One-crust pie. 3 3/4 c Granny Smith apples

-peeled; cored and thinly -sliced (about 3 medium) 1/4 c Packed light brown sugar

2 ts Cinnamon

3 Eggs

1 c Whipping cream.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line 9-inch pie plate with pastry. Crimp edge and prick bottom and sides with fork at 1/2-inch intervals. To prevent shrinkage; set 8-inch round cake pan into pie shell (or line snugly with aluminum. Bake 6 minutes. Remove cake pan or foil and continue to bake shell until lightly browned; about 10 minutes. Remove from oven. Layer half the apples; sugar and cinnamon in pie shell; repeat layers. Cover completely with cheese. Beat eggs with cream. Make a small hole in cheese; pour egg mixture into hole. Cover hole with cheese. Bake about 1 hour until top is browned and apples are tender when tested with pick. Cool 10 to 15 minutes before cutting into wedges. Makes 6 servings. Named “Breakfast Recipe of the Year” in 1992; in nationwide B & B competition; by California Raisin Advisory Board. (Raisins were added for the contest). Formatted by Elaine Radis; P* ID BGMB90B; Internet ID: Auntie_E@Prodigy.com. Originally posted on the Jewish Recipe Mailing List. Converted from text using MMCONV20.1. —–

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