
1 1/4 lb Leeks

2 oz Butter

1/4 lb Roughly chopped onion

1 Roughly choped head Celery

5 pt Mutton stock

1 oz Roughly chopped parsley

Salt and Pepper 5 oz Double cream

Garnish: diced meat (optional) Accompaniments: sippets Clean the leeks thoroughly, chop them roughly, and set a little of the green aside for garnish. Melt the butter and cook the vegatibles under cover without browning them. Add the stock, bring to the boil, and simmer for 1 hour, skimming if necessary. Rub the soup through a sieve or blend in a liquidiser. Reheat the soup, stir in the parsley, green of leeks, and diced meat (if used). Season with salt and pepper. Stir in the cream, correct seasoning, and serve with sippets. British Cookery (BTA, BFPC)

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