
3 T Butter or margarine

5 ea Garlic clove, chopped

3 ea Green onions, chopped

2 ea Catfish fillets, large

1/3 c Flour

4 ea Mushrooms, large, sliced

3 oz Beer, light

1/2 ea Lemon

1 x Worcestershire sauce

1 x Rice, white

Brown finely-chopped garlic and onion in butter, sizzling hot. Lightly flour catfish, add to pan with mushrooms. Pour in beer and treat fillets with juice of of half a lemon. Add a couple of drops of Worcestershire. Saute over medium heat, turning, until brown on both sides. Serve on hot plates with rice. Use pan-gravy over the rice. Source: Gulfport Sun-Herald, 13 January 1988 Recipe date: 01/13/88

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