
2 c Carrots; grated

1/2 c Crushed pineapple (no sugar)

2 tb Raisins

1 tb Lemon juice

1/4 c Low-fat yogurt

2 tb Reduced-calorie mayo

1 pk Equal (sweetener)

2 ts Coconut; shredded

In medium bowl, combine carrots, pineapple, raisin,s and lemon juice. Using a wire whisk-in small bowl combine remaining ingredients except coconut; pour over carrot mixture and toss until well coated. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Just before serving, toss again and sprinkle with coconut. 1 serving=2 vegetable, 1 1/2 fat. 1 fruit 1/4 milk 10 cal optional exchange 180 calories. 4 g protein; 5 g fat; 32 g CHO; 96 mg calcium, 196 mg sodium. 7 mg chol.

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