
1 lb Peanuts

1 Egg white

1 ts Cold water

1 c Brown sugar

1/4 ts Salt

Contributed to the echo by: Kathi Crockett Now, I’d better get a recipe in here before the troups kick me out. Here’s a fun and very easy party recipe for candied nuts: CARMELED PEANUTS Beat egg white and water until frothy – not stiff. Add peanuts, stir until they are well coated. Combine sugar and salt then pour this over the nuts & eggwhite mixture. Bake at 225 on a greased, tinfoil lined cookie sheet. Stir every 15 minutes for 1 hour. This makes a nice, big batch and is delicious. You can also use other nuts. I first started doing this because I was always at a loss as to what to do with the leftover nuts from Christmas and this certainly takes care of them in short order. It’s one of those recipes where you can’t eat just one.

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