
24 Soft caramels

2 tb Frozen whipped topping

72 Pecan halves

2/3 c Semisweet chocolate chips

1. Combine caramels and whipped topping and heat over hot water, stirring

until mixture has belted and it is smooth and well blended. Let cool slightly. 2. Place pecan halves on a lightly greased cookie sheet in groups of 3,

arranged such that one pecan half is in the position of a turtle’s head while the other 2 pecan halves are in the position of the turtle’s legs on each side. 3. Carefully spoon the melted caramels over each group of 3 pecan halves,

leaving the ends of the pecan halves showing. Let sit until hard. 4. Melt chocolate chips over hot water, stirring until smooth. Let cool

slightly. 5. Spoon melted chocolate over caramel topping on pecan halves, taking

care not to cover the pecan heads and legs of the turtles. Let sit until hard.

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