
3 1/2 cups Flour

Salt 1/2 cup Shortening — diced

2 Eggs — beaten

Lemon juice — 1 1 cup Ricotta

1/2 cup Ham — diced

1/2 cup Provolone — diced

Egg yolks 1/2 teaspoon Pepper — freshly ground

Egg white — whisked Oil — for frying

Dough-Add the salt to the flour and on a working surface make a well in the center. Add the eggs, shortening and lemon juice. Mix it all together to make a smoothe dough. Filling-Mix the ricotta, egg yolks, ham and provolone. Add the salt and pepper to taste. Mix well until thoroughly combined. Assembly-Flatten the dough and roll out into fairly thin sheets. Cut 4 8″ circles. Divide the filling betwwn the four circles. Brush the edges with the egg whites and fold over. Close the edges securely. Cook-Deep fry until golden brown.Drain well on paper towels and serve hot. ***these may be made ahead of time and reheated in the oven. They may also be frozen to use at a later date.

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