
1 ea Ball wholewheat pizza dough

— see recipe 1/2 c Pizza sauce, see recipe

1/2 c Broccoli, lightly steamed

1/2 c Artichoke hearts, chopped

1/4 c Olives, sliced

1 ea Tomato, sliced

6 ea Green bell pepper rings

Preat oven to 500F & oil a 12″ pizza pan. Place dough on a lightly floured surface & press to flatten. Lightly roll out dough into a 12″ circle, place on pizza pan & pinch the edge to form a rim. Spread the sauce on the dough to within 1″ of the rim & arrange the vegetables on the sauce, ending with the tomatoes & peppers. Bake until the crust is brown & crisp, about 15 minutes. Remove from oven & let cool for 5 minutes. Slice & serve hot.

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