
1 Boneless lamb sirloin

-roast (approx. 2 lbs) 2 T Cooking oil

1 sm Onion, chopped

1 Red bell pepper,

-diced 1 Green bell pepper,

-diced 1 lb Tomatoes, sliced,

-in puree 1 1/2 c Chicken stock

1/2 t Basil

1/2 t Grated lemon peel

1/2 t Chili powder

1 c Rice

———————————SPICE MIX——————————— 1 t Salt

1/2 t Cayenne pepper

1/4 t Black pepper

1/4 t Paprika

1/8 t Garlic powder

Trim the lamb of any excess fat. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix together the spice mix ingredients, and rub over the lamb. Let stand for 15 minutes. Heat oil in a skillet. Sear the lamb until all sides are browned. Remove lamb to a roasting pan. Roast lamb for 35 to 40 minutes. While the lamb is cooking, add onions and peppers to the skillet used for searing the lamb. Saute until soft. Add tomatoes, chicken stock, basil, lemon and chili powder. Bring to a boil and add the rice. Reduce heat and simmer until liquid is absorbed. NOTES: * This is a spicy lamb dish that I picked up originally from a local newspaper. Yield: serves 2-3. * Often when boning a leg of lamb you end up with a very ragged piece of meat. Just chop it up into boxy pieces and use more spice mix to cover all the surfaces. You will be slicing up the roast before serving anyhow. : Difficulty: easy. : Time: 1 hour. : Precision: measure the spices. : Rob Horn : Infinet, North Andover, Massachusetts, USA : {decvax, seismo!harvard}!wanginst!infinet!rhorn : Copyright (C) 1986 USENET Community Trust

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