
1 pound hamburger meat

dried chili pods 1/2 cup warm water

1 tablespoon oregano

1 teaspoon cumin

1 clove garlic — chopped

4 tablespoons flour

1 can tomato sauce — (large can)

1/4 cup red wine

Hint: to test chili pod’s heat, take a small nibble of dry chili in your mouth, when cooked, it will about double in strenghtBrown hamburger meat in large ski llet. While browning, make chili paste. Take 6-8 dried chili pods, remove some seeds, leave some in for flavor. Remove stems. Put in blender with about 1/2 cu p warm water or so just enough to make a paste. Too wet will be difficult. When hamburger meat is browned, drain fat. Add chili paste, oregano, cumin and garl ic cloves. Add salt to taste. Brown mixture well, Don’t burn!Add 4 tablespoons of flour. Brown this, immediately remove from heat. In another large saucepan, add tomato sauce and red wine. Add browned mixture. Simmer,simmer,simmer(3 hour s or more) you can do this in s slow cooker. Thin if necessary, salt to taste, adjust cumin and oregano as needed, thse flavors strenghten with cooking(cumin tends to add a sweet hint of taste.)Salt enhances all flavors Hint: buy more to mato sauce than you need, if chili is TOO h! ! ot when done, add more tomato sauceServe with sour cream, grated mild cheedar c heese or whatever you like.Hint: drink iced tea with chili,it’s the best bevera ge for hot mouth!

Busted by Christopher E. Eaves <cea260@airmail.net>

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