
1 9″ pie shell

—– Filling — —– 3/4 c firmly packed light brown sugar

1/4 c granulated sugar

1/3 c cornstarch

1/2 tsp salt

2 1/2 c milk

3 egg yolks — slightly beaten

2 tbsp butter or margarine

1 tsp vanilla extract

—– Meringue — —– 3 egg whites — at room temperature

1/4 tsp cream of tartar

6 tbsp granulated sugar

1. Prepare and bake pie shell; let cool. 2. Make filling: In med saucepan, combine brown sugar, 1/4 c granulated sugar , the cornstarch and salt; mix well. 3. Gradually stir in milk, mixing until smooth. 4. Over med heat, bring to boiling, stirring occasionally; boil 1 min. Remove from heat. 5. Stir half of hot mixture into egg yolks, mixing well; pour back into saucep an. 6. Bring back to boiling, stirring occasionally; boil 1 min longer. Remove fr om heat. 7. Stir in butter and vanilla; pour immediately into pie shell. 8. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400F. 9. Make meringue: In med bowl, with portable electric mixer at med speed, bea t egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks form when beater is slowly ra ised. 10. Gradually beat in sugar, 2 tbl at a time, beating well after each addition . Continue to beat until stiff peaks form when beater is raised. 11. Spread meringue over warm filling, sealing to edge of crust. 12. Bake 7-10 min, or until meringue is golden. 13. Cool on wire rack, away from drafts, 1 hr before serving.

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