
2 shallots — minced

2 garlic cloves — minced

2 celery stalks — diced fine

2 Tablespoons olive oil

1 Tablespoon butter

1/4 Cup arborio rice — (risotto)

3 1/2 Quarts roasted butternut squash soup — see recipe

1/4 Cup barley — toasted, cooked

1/4 Cup butternut squash — diced small

1/4 Cup romano cheese — grated

salt and black pepper

1. In a saucepan over moderate heat, saute shallots, garlic and celery in oil and butter until tender. Add rice, stirring to coat well. Do not let grains brown.

2. Add 3 1/2 cups soup in small batches, stirring continuously.

3. Add barley and squash. Continue cooking in same manner until rice is tender but al dente. Add cheese. Adjust seasoning.

4. Per portion, spoon a dollop of risotto into center of soup bowl. Ladle 1 cup soup around risotto.

Restaurant, Chicago, Illinois

Kitpath (Pat Hanneman)

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