
—————————LARRY LUTTROPP FVKC70A—————————

————————L.A. TIMES FOOD SECTION 4/94———————— 1 c Flour

1 tb Sugar

1/4 ts Salt

1/2 ts Baking powder

1 Egg

1 c (to 1 1/4 c) buttermilk

2 tb Butter; melted

Syrup, optional

————————-VARIATIONS AT END OF DIRS————————- Combine flour, sugar, salt and baking soda in bowl. Set aside. In separate large bowl, beat egg and blend in 1 cup buttermilk. Add dry ingredients to egg mixture and blend until flour disappears. Blend in melted butter. Add up to 1/4 cup more buttermilk, if thinner pancakes are desired. For each pancake, pour 1/4 cup batter onto hot griddle, lightly greased with butter. Cook until edges look dry and bubbles form and begin to break on upper surface. Turn and cook second side. Serve with syrup. Each pancake, without syrup, contains about: 60 calories; 82 mg sodium; 20 mg cholesterol; 2 grams fat; 8 grams carbohydrates; 2 grams protein.

VARIATIONS: Nut Pancakes – Stir 1/3 cup chopped nuts into batter. Corn Pancakes – Immediately after pouring batter onto griddle, sprinkle 1 TB drained whole-kernel corn over each pancake. Blueberry Pancakes – Immediately after pouring batter on griddle, sprinkle 1 TB fresh or well-drained canned or frozen blueberries over each pancake. Banana Pancake – Immediately after pouring batter onto griddle, place 2 to 3 thin banana slices on each pancake. —–

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