
Mmmm—————- ————-base—— ————————— 1/2 c Butter

2 tb Icing sugar

1 1/2 c Flour

Mmmmm————— ————filling—- — ? ————————— 1 1/2 c Brown sugar

1/4 c Butter, melted

2 Eggs, beaten

1 tb Vinegar

1 ts Vanilla

1 c Raisins

Cream butter and sugar. Blend in flour. Turn dough into ungreased 9″ square pan and pat down. Bake 5 minutes. Whisk all filling ingredients together until blended. Pour over base. Continue to bake 25-30 minutes or just until filling is set and doesn’t jiggle in centre. Cool completely, then cut in squares. Makes 16 squares. Modern Woman, November 1994 Review of Blueberries & Polar Bears, Helen Webber and Marie Woolsey. P.O. Box 304, Churchill, Manitobou R0B 0E0 Typed by E.Marie Campbell —–

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